Guest Blogs
#AskTDS “How do I avoid tenancy deposit disputes that could arise from decisions made during Covid-19?”
#AskTDS “How do I avoid tenancy deposit disputes that could arise from decisions made during Covid-19?”
There have been many questions from landlords, letting agents and tenants on tenancy deposits since the Covid-19 pandemic forced lockdown and social...
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#AskTDS: Where Can Tenants Find Answers on Deposits, Check-ins and Property Inspections During the Covid-19 Pandemic?
#AskTDS: Where Can Tenants Find Answers on Deposits, Check-ins and Property Inspections During the Covid-19 Pandemic?
Covid-19 has brought with it much stress and confusion for tenants in private rented properties, and it can be difficult to...
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#AskTDS “My tenant is moving out and I am concerned they may have Covid-19. How does this affect check-out and deposit release?”
#AskTDS “My tenant is moving out and I am concerned they may have Covid-19. How does this affect check-out and deposit release?”
During the Covid-19 lockdown, landlords, letting agents and tenants have raised questions about how the lockdown is affecting normal tenancy processes such...
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#AskTDS: “My tenants are about to move in. How do I carry out a check-in remotely during Covid-19?”
#AskTDS: “My tenants are about to move in. How do I carry out a check-in remotely during Covid-19?”
In response to the concerns surrounding tenancy deposit protection during this unprecedented time, TDS has created a Covid-19 FAQ web page...
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#AskTDS: “I’m temporarily reducing my tenant’s rent and not deferring any shortfall. Will the deposit cap be an issue?”
#AskTDS: “I’m temporarily reducing my tenant’s rent and not deferring any shortfall. Will the deposit cap be an issue?”
As part of the TDS Covid-19 series, we’re taking questions from landlords, letting agents and tenants on their concerns surrounding tenancy deposit...
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#AskTDS: “I am not yet leaving my tenancy, but I cannot pay this month’s rent. Can I use my deposit to pay it?”
#AskTDS: “I am not yet leaving my tenancy, but I cannot pay this month’s rent. Can I use my deposit to pay it?”
In the current climate, TDS has received numerous questions from letting agents, landlords and tenants about how the impact of Covid-19...
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#AskTDS: "Do I have to re-register my tenancy deposits every year?"
This article has been written in response to a landlord’s query: “Do I have to re-register my tenancy deposits every...
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#AskTDS: “I am renting for the first time, why do I have to pay a deposit?”
#AskTDS: “I am renting for the first time, why do I have to pay a deposit?”
This article has been written in response to a tenant’s query: “I am renting for the first time, why do...
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#AskTDS: "How does the deposit cap affect TDS members in England?"
In this week’s #AskTDS blog, we answer an agent’s question: “How does the deposit cap affect TDS members in England?” The...
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#AskTDS: “I asked my partner to move in with me – does this affect my deposit?”
#AskTDS: “I asked my partner to move in with me – does this affect my deposit?”
This article has been written in response to a tenant’s query: “I asked my partner to move in with me –...
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#AskTDS: "How does TDS engage with landlords and agents?"
Tags: TDS, Tenancy, Deposit, Scheme, legislation, protection, deposit, landlord, tenant, agent, custodial, insured, John King, customer, service TDS’ #AskTDS blog series...
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#AskTDS: What can I use my tenant's deposit for?
#AskTDS: What can I use my tenant's deposit for?
Congratulations on making a responsible start as a landlord! You’ve registered your tenant’s deposit within the first 30 days with...
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Showing 37-48 of 162